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Path of the Apostles: Your Spiritual Journey Awaits!

Path of the Apostles - Turkey

Peter and Paul traveled thousands of miles on their missionary journeys, preaching the word of God in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, and beyond. With Maranatha Tours, you can follow in the path of these great missionaries on a spiritual journey of your own!

So many sites of Peter and Paul's missionary journeys are found in Italy. In fact, most of what Bible scholars understand about the Roman world of the New Testament is based on discoveries found within a day's drive of Rome.

This journey will provide you a deeper understanding of the Bible and of the life and experiences of Paul. Picture yourself in biblical cities you've always read about like Athens, Corinth, Philippi, Berea and more.

Did you know there are more biblical sites in Turkey than in any other country? On this trip you'll visit the Seven Churches of Revelation and actual places that the New Testament letters were penned and received.

On any of our Israel tours you'll get an up close and personal look at the life of Jesus Christ and His mission. Imagine yourself sailing in a boat like the disciples on the Sea of Galilee and having communion where Jesus rose from the dead.